The flower before the leaf …

The flower before the leaf …

Fragile into the spring they push forth,
tiny sprigs of life with the palest of color,
topped with hearty tops of fluffy capkins,
while others droop and fall, tipped in crimson.

Before the leaf ever unfolds to soak up rays,
the miniature clustering flowers bloom,
waving and releasing pollen to begin the seed,
which someday will grow the mighty tree. srm


There is a point to all beginnings. There is a point from which all things stately and of significance originate from. Of course, substance and structure have accumulated in what is visible before us, but if the fragile beginning does not occur, there is nothing worthy to note.

All life has a seminal beginning but all life must begin again, over and over again to stay alive. Thus there is more than just a nourishing, coming from the sustenance of any given day or season. There must be a tapping into the reserves of the gathering of life growth over time and season. From this deeper rooting, life must draw from the past seasonal trails and blessings to begin again in each new season. All life must begin again, offering from a fragile beginning, new life to be truly alive.

All life must draw from all that has come before as all life must draw from outside itself as well. All life must access and utilize the sustaining nutrients while pulling life through its core thus enabling new life to come to the life that is.

All plant life including every tree; draws life, possesses life, exhibits life and offers life continuance through the seeds that will fall to the ground for life to continue. Our life begins as a gift of life from a Living God. Our living … draws life from the grace in the life sustained and nourished by God’s loving care and attention. As we seek the ways, truth and life in our Savior; we tap into new life. New beginnings are like the flower before the leaf which as it blooms promises life to come. God comes through His Word and Spirit with life now and forever. God also is faithful in leaving a legacy from our living as a seed for the trees that will grow up in faith from our lives. May we bloom, grow, leaf and prosper in the grace of our Loving Father.

“Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful; but his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on His law doth he meditate day and night. And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither, and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.” (Psalm 1:1-3, KJ21)

Suggested Reading … Psalm 1



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