This “Thank God Day”

“Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow, it empties today of its strength”

(Corrie Ten Boom).

      How do we start any given day? If a troublesome scenario lurks on the horizon, we may awaken with anxiousness and let the day be swallowed up in worry. If physical pain is the first thing we struggle with, we may drift into discouragement. If familial conflict and tension linger from unresolved issues, we may peer forward with trepidation, desiring mostly to escape the day and its trouble. If financial concerns are swirling around us while threatening to drown us in torrents of uncertainty, we may want to give up before we even start the day. If we have caused pain in others or damaged others with caustic and careless words, we may just want to avoid the staggering journey in asking forgiveness. We may have been injured or hurt by others, we have a raging battle deep within us as strain to forgive.

      We may look at the coming day as full of promise with great excitement and joy. The day before us may be  a special day and we might anticipate something memorable and truly special coming with the day. This day could be extraordinary. Every day comes new and fresh, even though we may sense the day becoming like other days. We may attempt to categorize and compartmentalized this day before the day has yet unfolded even as we do not really know what the day will be. The only thing we actually know about this day is that God has given us this day.

      No matter what the day will be, this day can be a “Thank God Day.” This day is given in grace to us from our God who is good. His grace and goodness do not change. Everything about the day may change but He does not.
Every day can be a “Thank God Day.” On the days when everything is going good, He is blessing us. On the days when everything is falling apart, He is with us. Every day God is good to us because He is a good God and His steadfast love is on us, regardless of whether we consider something to be a blessing or a burden.

      Giving thanks,  expresses our trust that we are in God’s hands and if He is allowed to work, He will do more than we can imagine or even ask of Him. Let this day be His, from your awakening to His purposes and desires for the day until you fall asleep in His loving arms realizing all He has done. Make this day, a “Thank God Day.”

“Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.”

(Ephesians 3:20-21, ESV)

Suggested Reading … Ephesians 3

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