National Gallery of Art, (Public Domain -NGA)
He comes alone when all other companions are off dealing with the common needs of their day. Does He not have things to do? Why would He interrupt His day with my concerns? Yet there He is in the midst of our daily chores and needs. He comes and sits alongside us in the ordinary moment when we are a bit overwhelmed and lost in the drudgery of the tasks and concerns demanding our intention. There is a weariness to his look from all He has given to others but somehow everything about His presence and being, completely focuses on us.
He looks into our very heart. Why does He concern Himself with us? Our thoughts began to race, “There must be more important people, than people like me.” Still here He is, the Holy One with the most un-holy in each of us. At that moment, in the ordinary and common, He gently asks for glass of water from each of us. Yet, a drink of water from us is not His desire. The truth is; His request has nothing about life-sustaining liquid but with slowing us down enough to pause and consider the “Water” which will give us “Life” at this very moment and flow freely with freshness and vitality without ever ceasing in the ordinary and the common in every day.
We do stop with our tasks. Our concerns began to fade and dispel into the compassion radiating out of His overflowing love. He draws us into His love, tenderly speaking into our day with deep concern. He fascinates us, while quieting our anxieties. He disturbs us as He delves deeper than anyone has ever gone with His intimate knowledge of every one of our secrets. Still, even here, He offers His insights, not judgments. The “Living Water” begins to flow into our life …
Our time with Him continues and He shines a light deeper still into our feeble attempts to say thanks. He gently assures us by pointing out that worship is not about a place, heritage or even sacrifice. True worship comes from adoration and thankfulness participating with the Spirit in praise for God among us. God is indeed with us … He is “The One” sitting with us, right now, at the well of our need. He is alive midst our daily living. At this moment, we realize, we have again found our “Messiah.” Be ever so thankful, find joy as our Savior meets us at the well in every one of our days. Take a good long drink again from the “Living Water” that He gives by His presence as He listens and offers His love and concern to every one of us.
“Jesus answered, ‘Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life’”
(John 4:13-14, NIV).
Suggested Reading … John 4